One way to represent sets in computers is by using bit strings. First, specify an arbitrary ordering of the elements of U, with the assumption that U is finite.
Let U={10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}
What bit string represents the subset of all odd integers in U? {9,7,5,3,1}=0101010101
What is the subset of all even integers in U? {10,8,6,4,2}=1010101010
What is the subset of integers not exceeding 5 in U? {5,4,3,2,1}=0000011111
Bit Flags
In Java, we can represent sets as bit flags using the int data type. Ideally, we’d want to use unsigned integers, but since Java doesn’t implement this, we’ll just have to be careful that all the values we’re using, n, are within the constraints 1≤n≤2∣U∣−1.
Java supports representing integers in binary literals, denoted by 0b preceding the binary string, with as many optional leading zeroes (but considering Java int values take up 32 bits of memory, the length of the binary string should not be more than that).
int one = 0b0001;
Using the example set Uabove, let’s try to represent each element as a bit flag.
public static final int ONE = 0b0000000001; // 1 public static final int TWO = 0b0000000010; // 2 public static final int THREE = 0b0000000100; // 4 public static final int FOUR = 0b0000001000; // 8 public static final int FIVE = 0b0000010000; // 16 public static final int SIX = 0b0000100000; // 32 public static final int SEVEN = 0b0001000000; // 64 public static final int EIGHT = 0b0010000000; // 128 public static final int NINE = 0b0100000000; // 256 public static final int TEN = 0b1000000000; // 512
As shown, each of these variables are assigned a single binary digit 1 in each of the 10 digits we’ll be using (as ∣U∣=10), hence their more human readable (base 10) value in the comments besides them. Take note at how they are all powers of 2.
Bitwise Operations
Bitwise OR
You can think of each bit flag as a singleton set. Therefore, to make any arbitrary subset of U, we can simply perform unions. For this, we can use the bitwise OR operator, |.
To represent odd={1}∪{3}∪{5}∪{7}∪{9} we can do:
int odd = ONE | THREE | FIVE | SEVEN | NINE;
For the following examples, we’ll write a simple function to print out the binary and integer representation of the int sets we’ll be using.
If we want to get the set of even numbers from U, we can perform a bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) between u and odd. In Java, this operator is denoted by ^.
int even = u ^ odd; printAsByteString(even);
…results in:
1010101010 : 682
Which is also the same as the even bit string from the example above.
We can visualize the XOR operation between U and odd like flipping all the bits of odd as:
You might think that we are performing the equivalent of a set complementation by using ^ here, but this is actually a symmetric difference operation. It is only the case here that U⊕even=U−even. This is explored further in the section for getting complements below.
Bitwise AND
The bitwise AND operator & works exactly as a set intersection operation. We can use this to check for membership. And since we are using singleton sets to represent each element, we can write a general function to check for subsets, following the logic that A∩B=A⟹A⊆B.
public static boolean isSubset(int a, int b) { return (a & b) == a; }
Using this, we can define another helper function to print the set in roster form notation, for better visualization.
We can write an easier to use, generalized printSet function like so:
public static void printSet(int n) { printAsByteString(n); printAsRosterForm(n); }
…would result in:
1010101010 : 682{ 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }
Just like in the example above, let us try to represent a subset of U with integers not exceeding 5. Then we’ll intersect it with the odd subset and get the result.
int notExceedingFive = ONE | TWO | THREE | FOUR | FIVE; int notExceedingFiveIntersectionOdd = notExceedingFive & odd; printSet(notExceedingFiveIntersectionOdd);
Which if we run, should get us:
0000010101 : 21{ 1, 3, 5 }
Let A=notExceedingFive,B=odd
Getting the complement using bitwise operations requires the usage of both & and ^. Let us first demonstrate symmetric difference again (without using U) by getting notExceedingFive⊕odd.
int symmetricDifference = notExceedingFive ^ odd; printSet(symmetricDifference);